Our Lady of the Day (9 May 1920) – Madonna del Buon Consiglio, Frigento, Avellino, Italy


At the foot of Frigento rises a plateau called Piano della Croce. Here stands the sanctuary of Our Lady of Good Counsel (Madonna del Buon Consiglio), the center of a heartfelt Marian devotion.

Brief notes on the discovery of the Sacred Majolica of the Blessed Virgin of the Good Council which took place in Frigento on 9th of May 1920, a hundred years ago.

The Sanctuary in via Piano della Croce, dedicated to the Our Lady of Good Counsel (Madonna del Buon Consiglio), was built in the place where, on May 9, 1920, a farmer, Carmine Capobianco, who had long dreamed of the Madonna inviting him to go and unearth it, found a small majolica depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Good Counsel.

The event astounded all the frigentini also because the fracture of the majolica at the height of the Virgin’s forehead, caused by a clumsy hoe shot by the Capobianco, proved his good faith of the same and the authenticity of the event. The parish priest, Don Generoso Ciullo, noticed the population with the sound of the bells of the Cathedral and the other churches descending in procession with all the clergy, the confraternities and the people to personally venerate the sacred effigy. Giuseppe Padula communicated the event to the Bishop of the Diocese of Avellino. A diocesan commission was established to verify the reliability of the facts. After about a year, in 20 May 1921, the Bishop gave his approval for the design and construction of a Church that would guard the precious majolica and bless the first stone of the future shrine”.

Already in the first years of the history of the Sanctuary there were graces and wonders through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. Originally it served as a monastic complex.

Today it is a radiating place of prayer and intercessions directed by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and serves as the Mother House of the Institute.

The feast of the Sanctuary is celebrated every 9 and 10 of May.


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