Our Lady arrived on Calvary together with Jesus; She witnessed the cruel crucifixion and, when Her Divine Son hung from the Cross, She did not turn away from Him. For about six hours Jesus remained nailed and for all this time Mary took part in the solemn sacrifice that took place. The Son agonized between the spasms and the Mother agonized with Him in Her heart.

The Sacrifice of the Cross is mysteriously renewed every day on the Altar with the celebration of Mass; on Calvary the sacrifice was bloody, on the altar it is bloodless, but it is completely identical.

The most solemn act of worship that humanity can make to the Eternal Father is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

With our sins we irritate the Divine Justice and provoke its punishments; but thanks to the Mass, in all the moments of the day and in all the points of the globe, humbling Jesus on the Altars up to an incredible immolation, offering His sufferings of Calvary, He presents to the Divine Father a magnificent compensation and a superabundant satisfaction. All His wounds, like so many divinely eloquent mouths, exclaiming: Father, forgive them! We ask for mercy.

Let us appreciate the treasure of the Mass! He who neglects to assist the Mass on festive days, without a serious excusing reason, commits a grave sin. And those who sin in the holidays, guiltily omitting the Mass! It is praiseworthy those who, in order to repair the good omitted by others, participate on festive days, if they can, a second Mass and if it is not possible on a festive day, make up for it during the weekdays. Let this beautiful initiative spread!

The devotees of Our Lady ordinarily are known to attend the Holy Sacrifice every day. Faith is revived, so as not to lose this great treasure. When you feel the bells for the Mass, do everything in order to go and participate it; the time you take is not lost, rather it is time best used. If we cannot go, at least let us assist in spirit, offering it to God and being a little recollected in our work.

In the book “Practice of Loving Jesus Christ” there is an excellent suggestion: Let us say in the morning this prayer:

“Eternal Father, I offer you all the Masses that will be celebrated this day in the world!”

Then saying this prayer in the evening:

“Eternal Father, I offer you all the Masses that will be celebrated this night in the world! “

Even in the night the Holy Sacrifice is celebrated, because while it is night in one part of the globe, it is day in the other part. From confidences made by Our Lady to some privileged souls, it is noted that the Virgin has Her intentions, as Jesus has in immolating Himself on the Altars, and She is happy that they should celebrate Masses according to Her maternal intentions. In view of this, a good group of souls already offers to Our Lady such a welcome homage.

We must participate in the Holy Mass, but we must participate it as it should!

The Virgin, while Jesus offered himself on Calvary, was silent, meditated and prayed. Let the behavior of our Lady be imitated! During the Holy Sacrifice one is recollected and one does not chatter talking around, one meditates with seriousness the sublime act of worship that one offers to God. For some it would be better not to go to Holy Mass, if they will bring disturbance and give bad example, instead of holy fruit of sanctity.

St. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio teaches us to attend Mass by dividing it into three parts: red, black and white.

  1. The red part is The Passion of Jesus Christ: meditating the sufferings of Jesus, up to the Elevation.
  2. The black part depicts sins: recalling past faults and to stimulate contrition in our hearts, because sins are the causes of the Passion of Jesus; and this color up to Communion.
  3. The white part would be the resolution of not sinning anymore, promising to avoid also the occasions of sins; and this color can be remembered during the Communion until the end of the Mass.


The apostle of youth, St. John Bosco, tells us that in a vision he witnessed the work done by the demons during the celebration of the Mass. He saw many devils wandering among his youth, who were gathered in the Church. To a young man the demon presented a toy, to another a book, to third youth something to eat

Some little devils stood on the shoulders of some, doing nothing but caressing them. When the moment of Consecration arrived, the demons escaped, except those who were on the shoulders of some young men.

Don Bosco thus explained the vision: The scene represents the various distractions which, by the suggestion of the devil, were subjected the persons who are in the Church. Those who had the demon on their backs are those who are in grave sin; they belong to Satan, they receive his caresses and are not able to pray. The flight of demons to the Consecration teaches that the moments of the elevation of the host are a terrible moment for the infernal serpent.

A Little Spiritual Flower Offering to our Lady:

– Let us participate at some Masses to repair the omission of those who do not attend during Sundays.

Prayer to Mary:

– Jesus, Divine Victim, I offer you to the Father through the hands of Mary, for me and for the whole world!

Adapted and Translated from: