The world seeks out pleasures and in order to obtain them, it needs money. We toil, we struggle, we even trample on justice, just to accumulate wealth.
Jesus teaches us that the real wealth is heavenly, because it is eternal, and that the wealth of this world is false and fleeting, a source of concern and much responsibilities.
Jesus, who is infinite richness, chose to become a man, and He wanted to be poor and He wanted it be so also for His Holy Mother Mary and His earthly father, St. Joseph.
One day Jesus exclaimed: “Woe to you, O rich men, because you already have your consolation!” (St. Luke, VI, 24). “Blessed are you, O poor, for the kingdom of God is yours! Blessed are you who are now in need, because you will be satisfied! “(St. Luke, VI, 20).
The followers of Jesus should appreciate poverty and, if they have wealth, they should be detached and use it for good works.
How many people waste lot of money and how many people are even lacking what is necessary to live! There are poor people who cannot feed themselves, they do not have clothes to cover themselves and in case of illness they do not have the means to cure themselves.
Like Jesus, Our Lady loves these poor and wants to be their mother; if we pray to Her, She will comes to our help, using even the generosity of good people.
Even when you are not really poor, in certain periods of life you can find yourself in hard times, or for straitened circumstances or for lack of work. Let us then remember that Our Lady is the Mother of the needy. The imploring voice of Her children always penetrates our Mother’s heart.
But when the providence of God is expected, it is not enough to pray to Our Lady; we must also live in the grace of God, if we want God to assist us. In this regard Jesus Christ says: “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the other things will be given to you” (St. Matthew, VI, 33).
As a conclusion of the what have been said, let the poor learn not to be ashamed of their state of poverty, because they resemble more to Our Lady who was also poor in this world, and not to become discouraged in their time of needs, invoking with faith the assistance of our Celestial Mother.
Let the rich and the well-off learn not be proud of their wealth and not to despise the needy; they must love to do charity, especially to those who do not have the courage to reach out; be reminded to avoid unnecessary expenses, in order to have more chances to help others and remember that those who give to the poor, lends to Jesus Christ and pays tribute to Mary Most Holy, Mother of the Poor.
The Pallavicino in his famous writings reports an episode, where it shows how Our Lady loves and helps the poor, when they are sincerely devoted.
One day, a priest was asked to bring the last comforts of holy religion to a dying woman. Having gone to church and taken the Holy Viaticum with him, he set off for the home of the sick person. How great was his grief to see the poor and miserable woman in a wretched little room, devoid of everything, lying on top of some straw!
The dying woman had been very devoted to Our Lady, she had experienced so many times our Lady’s protection in her extreme needs and now near the end of her life she was given an extraordinary grace.
As soon as the priest entered the house, there appeared a choir of virgins, who arranged themselves near the dying person to give her help and comfort; in the middle of the virgins there was our Lady.
At such a spectacle the priest did not dare approach the dying; then the Blessed Virgin looked at him benignly and kneeled down, bending Her forehead to the ground to worship his Blessed Son in the Holy Eucharist. Having done this, Our Lady and the other virgins then rose up and moved aside to allow the priest free to come closer to the poor woman.
The poor woman then asked to confess and then she received holy communion. What joy it is, when that blessed soul expires, that it could go to the eternal joy of heaven in the company of the Queen of Heaven!
A Little Spiritual Flower Offering to our Lady (fiorétto spirituale):
– Deprive yourself of something, for the love of Our Lady, and give it to the poor. If you are not able to do this, at least recite five Hail Holy Queen for those poor people who are in extreme need.
Prayer to Mary:
– My Mother, My Confidence
Adapted and Translated from:
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