Our Lady of the Day (July 6, 1973) – APPARITIONS OF OUR LADY OF AKITA, Akita, Tohoku, Japan
At 42 Agnese Katsuko Sasagawa enters the convent of the “Servants of the Holy Eucharist”. As the records of 12 May 1973 attest, the nun was completely deaf and hopelessly incurable.

On June 12 Sister Sasagawa noticed a bright light coming from the tabernacle followed by a kind of smoke, subsequently the figures became more defined and the religious said she saw angels surrounding the Tabernacle in an attitude of adoration in front of the Blessed Host. Coincidentally, in those days Bishop Ito was in that place to make a week of spiritual retreat and was able to witness many of the events, together with the spiritual director of the convent R. P. Teiji Yasuda.

On the night of June 28, 1973, a three-centimeter by two cross-shaped wound appears in Agnese’s left palm which causes her intense pain; on July 5th it opens causing more pain and bloodshed.
On the morning of 6 July she entered the chapel to pray in front of a statue of Mary made of wood by the Buddhist sculptor M. Saburo Wakasa.
“When I approached the statue – Agnese reports -, I felt that the statue gave the impression of being alive … it was bathed in light and a voice rang in my deaf ears”.
Shortly thereafter, Sister Agnese received a message from Our Lady asking her to pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests and to repair the evils of men.
Message of July 6, 1973 (first apparition)
“My daughter, my novice, you have obeyed me well, abandoning everything to follow me. Is the disease in your ears painful? Your deafness will be healed, rest assured. Does the wound in your hand make you suffer? Pray in reparation for the sins of men. Every person in this community is my irreplaceable daughter. Do you recite the prayer of the Servants of the Eucharist well? So let’s recite it together:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely united with Your Heart which is sacrificed at all times in all the altars of the world, giving praise to the Father and invoking the coming of His Kingdom. Please, receive the humble offering of myself. Use me as you wish for the glory of the Father and for the salvation of souls. Most Holy Mother of God, do not let me be separated from your Divine Son. Please defend me and protect me as your particular daughter. Amen”.
At the end of the prayer the voice says:
“Pray a lot for the Pope, the bishops and priests. From the moment of your Baptism you have always prayed for them with faith. Keep praying a lot, a lot. Tell your superior everything that happened today and obey everything she tells you. He asked that you pray with fervor.”
The following day, when the sisters entered the chapel to pray before the Virgin, they discovered with amazement that blood flowed from the right hand of the statue. They observed more carefully, noting that there was a cross-shaped wound identical to that which Sister Agnese had. The wound bled every Friday of July 1973, as it happened with the wound of the religious.
In the second apparition, on August 3, the Virgin said among other things to Sister Agnese:
“… In order for the world to know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great punishment on all humanity …”.
On the night of September 29, the whole community noticed that a great light emanated from the statue that immediately transformed into something that looked like humidity. The liquid was dried with cotton which was then sent to the laboratories of Akita University, who ascertained that the composition corresponded to “human liquid (blood, tears, sweat)”.
On October 13, 1973, she receives the last and most important message in which Our Lady gives some important indications on the nature and consequences of the punishment. It will be a punishment greater than the Flood (from the time of Noah) and will take place by means of fire from Heaven which will annihilate a large part of humanity, good and bad, without sparing neither religious nor faithful. Furthermore, the Blessed Virgin speaks of the divisions, corruption and persecutions that will affect the Church, by the Evil One, in the near future. The angel who first visited Sister Agnese continued to speak to her for the following 6 years.
On January 4, 1975 the wooden statue from which Sister Agnese had heard the Virgin’s voice begin to weep. The statuette cried 101 times over the next six years and 8 months. A Japanese TV troop, while making a report on Akita’s events, was able to film the statue of Our Lady while crying. On several occasions, the statue of Mary also sweated profusely and, according to various witnesses, the sweat gave off a sweet scent. A cross-shaped wound appeared from the palm of its right hand from which blood spilled. Hundreds of people have been direct witnesses to these prodigious events.
Several scientific investigations have been carried out on the blood and tears produced by the statue. The analyzes conducted by Professor Sagisaka of the Faculty of Legal Medicine of the University of Akita, confirmed that the blood, tears and sweat were real and of human origin. They were of three blood groups: O, B and AB.
In 1981, a Korean woman, Ms. Chun, with end-stage brain cancer obtained immediate healing while praying in front of the statuette. The miracle was confirmed by Dr. Tong-Woo-Kim of St. Paul Hospital in Seoul and by Don Theisen president of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Seoul. The second miracle was the complete recovery from the total deafness of Sister Agnese Sasagawa.
In 1982 the Buddhist sculptor who made it visited his work; he was amazed when he saw the image again and found that no part had changed except the face that looked absolutely different. On January 4, 1975, Bishop Ito and many people who were in that place to make a spiritual retreat, observed that day the statue shed tears three times. During the following 10 years of study it was not possible to attribute these phenomena to other causes than the supernatural one.

In April 1984, Monsignor John Shojiro Ito, bishop of Niigata in Japan, after an extensive and thorough investigation lasting several years, declared that Akita’s events are to be considered of supernatural origin and authorized the veneration of the Holy Mother in the entire diocese by Akita. The bishop said:
“Akita’s message is the continuation of the Fatima message.”
In June 1988, the then Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Holy See, made a definitive judgment on the matter by defining the events of Akita that are reliable and worthy of faith.

http://profezie3m.altervista.org/ptm_c31g.htm#Suor Agnese Sasagawa – Akita, Giappone; http://profezie3m.altervista.org/ptm_StatuePiang.htm#Akita ;I messaggi della Madonna ad Akita e Immagini sacre che piangono lacrime e sangue (il caso di Akita) Per maggiori informazioni su questo caso consulta: Suor Agnese Sasagawa (la veggente di Akita) e inoltre Immagini sacre che piangono lacrime e sangue (il caso di Akita)