Mary of the Day (July 15, 1480) – MADONNA DI BOCCADIRO, BOCCADIRIO (BOLOGNA)

The heavenly apparition of our Lady took place on July 15, 1480, to two little shepherds from Baragazza, Donato Nuttini and Cornelia Evangelisti. Our Lady told the children that she was much pleased by their kindness and prayers and invited them to consecrate themselves to the Lord, Donato as a priest and Cornelia as a nun in a monastery in Tuscany. The children followed the voice of Mary: Donato became a priest in the Diocese of Pistoia and was a holy and zealous parish priest in Ciriano; Cornelia became an exemplary religious and prioress in the Mantellate monastery of Prato, respected even for her sanctity by the soldiers who had occupied the monastery. The Sanctuary is therefore called Sanctuary of the Vocation.

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