Mary of the Day (September 13, 1692) – VIRGIN OF THE MIRACLE OF SALTA (Nuestra Señora del Milagro), Salta, Argentina

On September 13, 1692, a terrible earthquake struck the city of Salta. The statue of the Immaculate Virgin fell to the ground without sustaining any damage, but it was only the beginning of a series of curious and strange circumstances, which many called miracles …

The mountains surrounding the city of Salta in Argentina

The bishop of Tucuman, Brother Francisco de Victoria, who was present at the founding of Salta in 1582, after completing his pastoral service, decided from Spain to send two containers to America: one containing a statue of the Immaculate Conception for the convent of St. Dominic in Córdoba and the other with a Crucifix for the Mother Church of Salta . It was here that the first miracle happened.

The two containers were seen floating in the port of Callao, Peru, exactly two years after their expedition in 1592 but nothing was ever heard of the ship and the crew carrying them .

After the due honors and processions, the authorities decided to carry out the wishes of Bishop Friar Francisco de Victoria by taking the images to their destinations. On the back of a mule, the Holy Crucifix was taken to the sacristy of the main church in Salta, where unfortunately it was forgotten for a hundred years, while the statue of the Immaculate Conception that would later be called the Virgin of the Miracle, three meters high, was placed in a niche in the main altarpiece.

In September 1692 exactly one hundred years later, there was a terrible earthquake that seemed to rip the earth in two. It devastated the city of Esteco, causing not only the buildings but also the hearts of all the citizens of Salta to tremble, where the statue of the Immaculata ended up on the floor without, however, sustaining any damage, neither to the face nor to the hands, which, however, turned out to have changed color. They were paler and the face was saddened in an expression more akin to fear.

The statue was taken to the home of Mayor Bernardo Diez Zambrano, where throughout the night there was a prayer vigil. The following day, September 14, 1692, all the people claimed the Virgin , who was then carried in procession with songs and hymns of praise. The Statue of the Virgin seemed to gain color and her gaze became uplifted.

Everyone began to shout about the “miracle.” When one of the fathers of the Society of Jesus, Jose Carrion, received an inner locution suggesting a procession for the forgotten and abandoned Holy Crucifix of the Mother Church, but that behind the Virgin’s request and supplications, he would surely forgive Salta by freeing her from imminent danger.

The priest, hurried to deliver the message, and they immediately walked to the Crucifix, but the church was dark and seemed dangerous. With difficulty they found the Christ. The bells began to ring calling to penance.

The procession was attended by civil and military authorities along with local residents, presided over by prelates. The crowd cried out in affliction, beating their chests, weeping and begging for mercy. Thus was born the miracle of the conversion of a people who, amid tears in penitence, still hoped and believed in the love of a God who had become more alive than ever in their midst. And so it happened: the tremors ceased and the city was spared from destruction.

In 1902, at the request of the Bishop of Salta Monsignor Matthias Linares, Pope Leo XIII granted the Pontifical Coronation of what was then recognized and called by all the Virgin of the Miracle of the Covenant.

Cattedrale di Salta in Argentina

The novena in honor of the Lord and the Virgin of the Miracle begins on September 6. Citizens of the capital city and a large number of pilgrims arrive at the cathedral to pray, and on Sept. 13 each year, in the presence of Argentine bishops, the Virgin of the Miracle and the crucifix are crowned again.


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