IL MISTERO DI UNA DONNA INCINTA DI TRE MESI Misure ginecologiche hanno stabilito che la Vergine dell’Immagine ha le dimensioni fisiche di una donna incinta…
An extraordinary phenomenon which occurs every year on a Greek island: for about fifteen days (from the Transfiguration to the Dormition of Mary Most Holy)…
HISTORY It is assumed that the image of Our Lady of Zocueca has been moved from its original location. Its cult is connected to the…
A somewhat unexpected phenomenon is linked to the figure of the Saint of Montecalvo, Pompilio Pirrotti. Apparently, a wooden reproduction, belonging to his family and…
At 42 Agnese Katsuko Sasagawa enters the convent of the “Servants of the Holy Eucharist”. As the records of 12 May 1973 attest, the nun…
Il 9 giugno 1573 una Madonnina con in braccio il bambin Gesù consola una pastorella, indicandole il gregge perso per essersi fermata a pregare. Ma non è…
Some time before 1542, when the village of Atlixtac in central-western Mexico became the pueblo of Santa Anita, a sick Franciscan friar went there. He…
The Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Holy Mary of the Graces) in Stia (Arezzo), is known for the apparition of the Mary, which, according…
The Lady of the Woods asked a young deaf-mute farmer for a sheep and the construction of a sanctuary which she herself indicated the place…