Mary of the Day (August 14) – La Madonna del Transito (Our Lady of Transit), Canoscio, Città di Castello, Perugia, Italy
The historical origin of the Madonna of Canoscio is shrouded in mystery. An ancient folk tradition tells us that in the year 1348, a certain Vanni di Iacopo, living in a house on the Canoscio hill (Canusium = white place), as a votive promise at the time of a terrible plague, left his heirs “40 soldi” (Venetian silver coin) to have a “Maestà” painted of the Virgin Mary. (Maestà – religious painting style which is typically composed of an enthroned icon of Jesus and Mary with other figures around likes saints and angels)
The painter who remains unknown painted the Madonna as a fresco on the wall in the moment of Her “Transit”, that is, in the passage from this earthly life to the glory of heaven with the twelve Apostles on the sides and above, the Assumption and Crowning in the midst of the angels.
But of the ancient primitive painting we are left with only the image of the sleeping Madonna, with a beautiful delicate luminous face, of transparent celestial whiteness. This is the venerated Image that has been called by the people “The Madonna del Transito di Canoscio” (Our Lady of Transit of Canoscio)

In the year 1406, the first small church was built around the image of the Madonna, where the people of the surroundings came to ask for graces, especially against epilepsy or misfortune and every other kind of evil. The little chapel was declared finalized in November 1857, when the roof of the new shrine was covered.
